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A Song of Ice and Fire TMG - Lannister Heroes 2

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG - Lannister Heroes 2

A Song of Ice and Fire TMG - Lannister Heroes 2



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In all of Westeros, there are many a swordsman or woman who lay claim to be the best in all the land, but unless they were one of the seven of the Kings Guard, that boast would most assuredly be simply hot air. The Kings Guard include the seven best soldiers in the kingdom. With the duty of protecting the king from harm, they have to be.

The Baratheon Heroes #2 box set for the Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players eager to see Lord Renly on the Iron Throne a bunch of new options for their forces. With new Attachments, NCUs, and new choices for their army Commander, the set is a great way for players to customize their forces to fit their own particular playstyle.