Just for girls the Girls in Bar Bathrooms party game is inspired by countless nights spent bonding in the bathroom and features truly relatable situations with hilarious solutions!
The 'Girl in Need' reads a Situation card. Then the rest of the girls take turns trying to convince them their Solution is the best! They can be funny silly gross or simply ridiculous!
This easy-to-learn adult card game can be played at any adult game night from birthday parties sororities and reunions to bachelorette parties.
Includes special Situation cards like: Bar Personality where completing the action earns a point and Cheers where a point is earned if at least half the girls do a 'thumbs up' to what's on the card.
Can the boys play? Well technically but this was not made for them. Sorry not sorry. So get the girls together for a fun night of doing what girls do best coming up with all the answers!
Girls in Bar Bathrooms celebrates the bar bathroom as a sanctuary where girls can talk it out lift each other up cry laugh and gossip. Where even strangers can become best friends for the night.