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LC Pandemic Contagion Board Game

LC Pandemic Contagion Board Game

LC Pandemic Contagion Board Game



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InPandemic: Contagion, you are competing against other diseases (fellow players) to see who can eliminate humanity. With no cure to be had, the one of you that wipes out all human civilization will come out on top as the most deadly disease ever known to man, may he rest in peace.
Pandemic: Contagionincludes a deck of contagion cards with differing colored borders, city cards with similar colored borders, event/WHO cards, player disease card and disease cubes. On a turn you take two of three possible actions, and you can take the same action twice. Those actions are:
Draw contagion cards equal to your current incubation rate.
Advance one of three mutations to the next level.
Spread disease equal to your current transmission rate.